12. Royalty: The Inseparable Royals; A Trick You Can Count On; An Acrobatic Discovery; Noble Triumph; In Days of Old; Upper Class Weddings; Mythology.
13. Survivor: A Known Survivor; Soul-Mate-Survivor.
+EGO Bonus Section:
TAPGAC: Chaos Theory; The Royal Clans: Return of the Lonely Card; Princes and Peasants; Deduction production: Two for the Road.
Flip-Flop Force: Finding the Flipping Aces; Flashy Mates; Flashy Flush; Flip-Flop Marriages; The Attractors; 1-2-3 Elevator Aces; Elevator Mates; The Ones We Can't See; More Diminishing Matches; I Spy; A Royal Display; Royal Flip-Flop-Jog.