Backstage with The Magician at The Magician's Study by Richard Kaufman Playing Around at MAGIC Live! by Dustin Stinett and Bill Mullins
Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman A Peek Under the Tent by Jim Steinmeyer In Memoriam William V. Rauscher by Tom Ewing The Eye by Vanessa Armstrong Conjuring by Jim Steinmeyer Conjuring "The Vasty Deep" by Jim Steinmeyer "Hershey Finds a New Home" Material Concessions by David Regal The Descending Control Stage as Studio by Krystyn Lambert "Magic and Philosophy" Course No. 14305 WWPD by Johnathan Friedman "MVP" (Most Valuable Playing Card) Dealing With It by John Bannon A Pair of Prophesies: "Oddacious" and "Leveraged Discovery" Magicana by Jamy Ian Swiss
"Named Haunted Pack" created by Jeffrey Kellogg
The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
Knights at The Magic Castle by Shawn McMaster
Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
Books Reviewed by Tom Frame
Coin & Box by Nev Blenkinsopp
Ginóskó by David Kuraya
Self-Working Wonders by Chris Wardle
Tricks Reviewed by Tom Dobrowolski
"Popschticle" by Pop Haydn
TCF 3.0 The Counting Feint / TCF-Tarot by Bob FarmerM
"Ultimate Oil and Water" by Anthony Owen
"Crazy Town" by David Regal
"Scotch Purse" and "Puzzle Pants" by California Magic