This download features several tricks that Stephen teaches to children in his magic workshops and in one-on-one magic lessons for adults. They are all simple to master and great for any beginner in magic.
Impossible Jigsaw Puzzle pieces are eliminated until your left with just one, the missing piece of the jigsaw.
Two Into One Two pieces of string merge into one long piece.
Combination A random number is created by the spectator, which amazingly opens a sealed lock.
Domino A row of dominos is made and the end two numbers match your prediction.
Straw Thru Straw Two straws wrapped around each other, magically separate.
Stretchy Hair Ties change places and pass through the spectators arm.
Static Straw Make a straw mysteriously move using the powers of your mind!
Chap Stick Two chap sticks pass through each other and turn around.
Computer Cards The spectator thinks of a number, yet you can read their mind and tell them what they are thinking.
Calculated List The spectator does a little math to chose a picture which you have already predicted.
Coin In Bottle Make a coin penetrate a sealed bottle.
Balance Balance a can on its edge, a belt of a hook and two forks on a glass.
Five Card Turnover A clip is placed on the middle card but jumps when turned over.
Finger Thru Banknote Your finger tears through a banknote, yet leaves it unharmed.
Mind Reading Card Trick The spectator thinks of a card yet you know what their thinking.
Ring Tricks A ring magically appears and then jumps from finger to finger.
Legs Thru Floor Make a friends legs feel like there going through the floor.
Suspended Water You can make water stay inside an upside down, open bottle.
Playing Cards Match Eight picture cards mixed up, mysteriously find their partners.
Hidden Object An object is hidden under 1 of 3 cups, yet you know where it is.
Endless Chain A game with a chain is played where you win every time.