James Swain's book - Miracle with Cards - has stunningly effective simple card routines. Improve your sleight-of-hand card skills immediately and with ease. Thorough instructions with photo illustrated explanations to learn.
From Introduction by Darwin Ortiz:
"What I like about this book is that it lives up to its title. These are card tricks that go for the jugular, tricks that push the boundaries of what's possible with a deck of cards. In so doing, they ensure that the audience will remember the magic and the magician."
Book Contents
V Introduction by Darwin Ortiz VII Foreword 1 The Airmail Card: Goodwin's Two Ton Transpo 7 Clue: Brother Hamman's Verbal Force 12 Out of this World 18 Superbowl Aces: The Stencel Move 24 Card in the Matchbox 28 Card in the Cardbox: Invisible Shulien Revelation 32 Boxed B'Wave 36 The World's Greatest Card Trick 41 Perfect Triumph: Marlo's Miracle Spread 45 Swain Simplicity Control 51 Swain Simplicity Switch 52 Gambler's Miracle: Jenning's Modification of Daryl's Display 56 Up-The-Ladder Aces 60 The Blank Deck 62 Australian Aces Revisited: Marlo's Frictionless Bottom Deal 66 The Impossible Card Trick 68 Real Mind Reading 74 The Spectator Cuts to the Aces (2 Versions) 80 Boxed Reset 84 Brainweave: Frank Simon's Fan Revelation 90 Fortune Telling Cards: Dingle's NOLAP Switch; Interlock/Vernon/Jennings/Lyons 94 Hitchcock Aces 100 Miracle Aces: Swain Bluff Control 105 Bluff Control Palm 106 Bluff Control Routine 107 Topping the Mental Topper: The Unweave Revelation 112 My Opener 120 Gorilla In the Middle: Invisible Load Move 125 Trapped 129 The Pass 134 The Jennings Box (2 Versions) 138 The Jennings Handling 141 The Well Traveled Card: Gary Plants Move 143 The Stand In 145 The "Block" Buster Pass 148 Bottom Card Cover Pass 149 The Pass Palm 152 Anastasia 154 The Lost Multiple Shift 155 Honest Aces: Swain Drop Switch 160 Honest Collectors 164 Annemann's Miracle 167 Something for Nothing 169 Rules of the Game: Cornelius Spring Set; Bill Malone's Revelation; Steve Freeman Four Card Revelation; Bruce Cervon's Pivot Principle 182 Finale for the Capitulating Queens: Jon Racherbaumer's Handling of Norm Osbourne's Unlimited Vanish 187 Final Departure