Yoann's new dvd featuring 14 tricks and routines that he devised over the years. A unique take on modern card-magic : some could call these routines Magical flourishes, these are tricks that speak for themselves.
Here you won't find any interesting patter or clever psychological ploy, only cold-blooded, relevant card routines, cleverly constructed and virtually bulletproof to any technical problem. Most of the tricks are quite difficult, precisely because of that, not only does he teaches you new effects, he also explains new methods, new moves, new concepts. His own vision of what a card trick should be. It's not for everyone, but it will be worth the effort one will put in. Welcome to Yoann's mind.
Collective Aces : The 4 aces discover 2 selections In a smooth manner
Dr Daley One Second : Yoann meets Dr Daley last trick
FlipT : An novelly constructed "in the deck" visual transposition
Toaster : A trick featuring Toast change and Grill change that will "flip flap flop bam" your audience
JDStyle : A machiavelic transposition of 2 cards with the jokers
Jokewild : A fast paced multi-phased visual transposition routine with a kicker ending, perfect for when you have to be standing up
Light Queens : Bill Goodwin's "Queens" bare handed
Magnetik : A visual lesson on cards magnetism
Major Card : A flowing and visual variation on the "Carte Generale" (general card) theme with a kicker ending
Minmal Water : A highly visual and minimalist approach to the classic "Oil and water"
Nymphea : A nice sequence of appearing/vanishing aces ending with the discovery of a selected card.
Sanfan : A clever control followed by an "in the fan" sandwich production
Tetri : An in the hand Triumph made to have a natural flow
Together : A visual demonstration of the power of attraction Card productions
Ace Production : A progressive 4 cards production that ends with an aesthetic display
Jack Production : A progressive and surprising 4 cards production
King Production : An unexpected 4 cards production in the middle of a minimalist flourish
Queen Production : A "mechanical" 4 cards production
Select : An elegant way of having a card selected.
Springy : A graceful one card production, perfect for your ambitious card routine Moves
Toast change : Visually transform a side jogged card
Grill change : A lightning fast color change of a side jogged card
Blurce : The bluff force gets a stylish update
Dr Daley OSW : Dr Daley last trick, a multi-phases standing up version that you must WATCH
Hellerdnase : The Erdnase change takes a lift off the deck
Gordonesque : A gordonesque control of a playing card