Volume 1 Effects included: - Perpetual Balls - The Cookie Mystery - Waters of India - Stretching a Hank - Ring, Rope, & Pin - The Bouncing Fruit - The Spirit Hand - Ashes Thru Hand - Karrel Fox's Napkin Vanish - Calendar Caper - Wrigley Feel - A sweet prediction - Broken & Restored Match - The Book Test - Pencil Thru Bill - Ultra Sensory Perception - One-Handed Knot (without releasing the ends) - Silk Thru Arm
Volume 2 Effects Included:
Blown Away
Pencil Thru Hank
The Mouse
The Indian Bean Mystery
Breaking Off a Button
Paperballs Overhead
Silk Production
Cork Transfer
Torn and Restored Bill
The Donut Mystery
Wand Transfer
Torn and Restored Cig Paper
Linking Paper Clips
A Card Force
Double X
Safari Cards
Mental Nine
Cut N' Restored Hank
Match Mystery
Travelling Match #1
Penetrating Match
Burned and Restored Napkin
Weighing the Matches
Volume 3 Effects Included: - Piano Matches - Vanishing Comb - Mind Reading - Double Drawer Matches - Dropped Box Matches - Broken and Restored Band - Two-Match Transfer - Bill to Matches - Chink-a-Chink - The Bill Roll - The Burned Bill - The Hell Tear - The Crying Quarter - Collar Coin Vanish - Vanishing Penny - Stern Paper Fold - Coin Thru Pants - Pencil Coin Vanish - Travelling Match #2 - Cellophane Surprise - Coin Thru Hand - Swallowing a Knife - Stretching the Arm - Removable Finger - Removable Thumb - T.V. Coin Production - Glass Thru Table - Smoke Cocktail - Paul Harris' Fizz Master