History was made September 2-6, 1982 in a filming studio in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, as the life and magic of Dai Vernon was permanently recorded for future generations. Inspired by Bill Larsen, the project was undertaken by Videonics, owned and operated by Hans Zahn. The co-hosts of the filming project were Michael Ammar, Gary Ouellet and Steve Freeman.
L & L Publishing has now taken this original footage, digitally re-mastered it and released it on 8 downloads. Not only can we learn by actually seeing and hearing the Professor at work, but our great grandchildren and their great grandchildren will be taught that most elusive of crafts by the grandest master of them all.
Some of the important points to be considered are:
* The format is that of a jam session, with Vernon discussing his tricks, moves and routines, and generally holding court. * All the moves, techniques, routines, tips and handlings discussed are actually performed by Vernon or one of the co-hosts, along with a complete explanation. * Roughly half of the subjects covered relate to the published record; half the material was new and disclosed for the first time (at the time of the video shoot). * Many times, Vernon teaches important new techniques on the Vernon classics, including improvements, or previously undisclosed handlings, even as regards the famous Stars of Magic effects. * Some world famous routines, such as the Coins in Champagne Glass or the Fred Kaps Coins and Silk (invented by Vernon and taught to Kaps) are publicly revealed. * Important revelations about the Erdnase techniques, which Vernon has spent a lifetime studying, form a major part of the material.
The idea behind these videos was to capture Vernon live so future magicians can experience him.
No magician should miss these videos. Dai Vernon was the Dean of modern magic and he shares great things on these tapes.
Volume 5 Gary Ouellett Intro Vernon Talks About Fred Kaps Vernon Explains Coins & Silk Routine Verno Explains Coin Transfer Ammar Teaches Chanin Classic Palm Coin Productions Ammar Introduces the Cups & Balls Vernon Tells How He Got His Cups Vernon Demonstrates the Opening to the Cups & Balls Ammar Demonstrates Jay Marshall's Bit with Cups Explanation of Depth Illusion Vernon's Story About the Cups & Balls at the Magic Castle Vernon and Ammar Walk Through Cups & Balls Routine Vernon's Advice On What To Do After Palming Something Explanation of Phase Two & Three Loading Sequence Large Ball & Wand Vanish Wand Spin Vernon Explains Ball Under Cup Vanish Vernon Explains Coins & Purse Swindle Malini's Version Vernon's Purse Palm Vanish Leipzig's Coin on Knee
Volume 6 Gary Ouellett Intro Color Change Section Intro (Freeman) History of Color Change Erdnase's First Method with the Vernon Improvement The Erdnase Pivot Color Change The Malini Handling Picking Off the Pip Leipzig's Handling Leipzig's Side Slip and VernonÕs Variation Handling the Sucker Gag Steve Freeman's Tips on the Color Change " Softy" Color Change Vernon Passes on Good Advice The No Palm Color Change The Time Vernon Cheated the Cheats The Greek Crimp The Gambler's Peek The Back Crimp The Suit Peek The Corner Crimp/Cutting to a Crimp Story About Larry Grey The Snap Crimp Story The Snap Crimp Mexican Joe Crimp Best Way to Reverse a Card The Breather Crimp